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Monday, August 29, 2011

Using the Choir in Worship

In a day when it seems like worship leaders and praise teams take a prominent position in worship services, is there any room for choirs? I would say, "Yes!" Let me share some things that may be being overlooked as we consider the utilization of choirs as an effective part of worship.

(1) The central focus of worship is not the "leader," but God. I realize that this seems obvious, but sometimes so much emphasis is placed on the person leading that the people leading become the "stars of the show." I am not saying that the individual leading is portraying such an attitude, but many times those in the congregation perceive themselves more as an audience than the Body of Christ. Having a choir to help lead can help diminish the perception.

(2) The use of a choir is biblical.
David organized worship to utilize choirs, and they were a common part of worship in the Temple. Nehemiah used a double choir in the dedication of the rebuilding of the wall. Since the early church grew more out of the synagogue style of worship than the Temple, choral participation was not as common. In addition, the early church was dealing with severe persecution, so making “a joyful noise” wasn’t the safest worship practice of the day if you were celebrating worship hiding in the catacombs. Choirs came back into use after the persecution stopped.

(3) The use of a group obviously utilizes more people.
Worship is our obedient response to God’s revealed nature and character. Working with a group to help lead in worship means we get the opportunity to teach what biblical worship is and mentor this group in carrying those truths into the corporate worship service. Of course it take more planning, more work to find the appropriate pieces, extra time to rehearse the music, and a tremendous amount of effort to enlist those that can sing. It is much easier to find a song and sing a solo. Frankly, since choirs are generally consist of volunteers, the “sound” may not be as professional as a soloist. However, when done correctly, the director is multiplying his or her ministry on a scale not possible as a soloist alone. God has called us to make disciples and one aspect that we need to include in that definition is worship discipleship, or teaching and mentoring what worship is and how to do it.

(4) Choirs give opportunity for those who will never be soloists to aid in worship leadership. Worship leadership that is only left to the “professionals” bypasses many who have sincere hearts, but only average talent. Choirs give those people an opportunity to do something together with others that they would never be able to do alone. For some, singing in a group may be the only ministry they have. Having a choir that is active in worship leadership helps those who might only have “one talent” participate with those who were given “ten talents.”

(5) There is a powerful dynamic when a group comes together to worship.
I have also heard notorious stories of choral singers who look as if they are half-asleep while they sing. [I fault their own personal preparation and the director for such things.] What I am talking about is a spiritual dynamic that reflects the unity of the Body of Christ: many members, different parts, but all working in coordination under the same leadership. I remember vividly the first time the “Coro Unido” [United Choir] came together to sing when we were missionaries in Panama. Seventy-five brothers and sisters in Christ from all over the country [most of whom could not read music, but memorized their part by rote] came together to proclaim the gospel in song. The air was full of excitement, and anticipation; their sound was powerful. Never before had anyone seen an evangelical choral group so large. It was an unforgettable moment for us all.

(6) Age group choirs become the seed bed to raise up new worship leaders.
One of the concerns I have is the lack of emphasis on teaching children and youth what worship is and how to sing. Worship leaders just don’t fall from the sky. Choirs can give an opportunity to have an active participation in worship leadership, and at the same time begin training for greater worship leadership in the future. The church that only emphasizes its praise band is neglecting the training and ministry of its children and youth for service.

(7) Singing together helps grow community among believers. Some of the richest relationships I have shared in my life have come as a result of sitting next to someone in a choir. Rehearsal time of the choir I now direct is one of the highlights of my week. We laugh, we sing, we pray, and we have even cried together. We learn to bear each others’ burdens.

I know there are many more reasons and considerations, like the impact of choirs in mission trips and sharing the gospel, but here are a few to ponder and I trust to encourage you to get in a choir if you aren’t already or form one if you don’t already have one. Choirs shouldn’t be the only consideration, but certainly needs to be considered.

In using a choir, here are some quick helps:
A. Rehearse the music, don’t talk.
Some directors waste more time talking than rehearsing the notes. Say what you have to say, then get back to work. Don’t beat a song to death; work on the most difficult parts and easier sections, then go on. Each rehearsal the members need to sense that they have accomplished something. Be free with sincere compliments, not just flattery. When they get it right, let them know!

B. Have a plan. In our congregation, the choir will sing at least 45 of the 52 Sundays, not including special programs for Easter and Christmas. – That takes a lot of music. So, how is it done? Here’s one way:
• Select the music you want to use for at least 3 months at a time
• List them out as 1-12, then rehearse 1-5 for a few weeks [at first], investing more time in the song to be sung on a given Sunday.
• The following rehearsal, focus on 2-6, singing # 2 the following Sunday.
• Keep up the system of rotation and your choir will have several weeks on each song and a new song entering into the rotation.
• When you begin to rehearse # 12, select the next 3 months of music.
• Repeat at least 50% of what you do during a given year.
This system not only helps plan your rehearsal time, but allows for some of the choir members to be out and still be able to sing, since they would have had several weeks to learn the music. I have used this system for years and it has been both simple and effective. Repeating a song allows you to build on what you have already learned.

C. Plan on using the choir on a regular basis. Choir members want to sing, that’s why they come. When they feel like they are not useful, they will stop coming.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Solutions for Worship Leader Burnout

One of my favorite Old Testament characters is Elijah:
-he prays and it doesn’t rain for over three years,
-blesses a widow’s oil and flour so that it lasts during the time there is not any rain,
-raises the widow’s son from the dead,
-prays again and the rains return
-calls down fire from heaven and brings about a revival of the worship of Jehovah to an entire nation.

On the mount of transfiguration, Elijah is seen with Moses, all talking to Jesus. The forerunner that was to announce the coming of the Messiah is said to come in the spirit of Elijah. He is seen as a model prophet, God’s spokesman, boldly declaring the truth regardless of the consequences.

Yet, even in the life of this great man of God, we see a glimpse of what can happen to any one of us if we are not careful. In I Kings 18, we see that God sends the prophet to show himself to Israel’s evil king, Ahab, even though Ahab has been looking to kill him for three years. Elijah calls for a showdown between the prophets of Baal and Jehovah God on top of Mount Carmel. The story is well known, so I won’t go into detail here, but only to say that Elijah the challenge required that whichever one could call down fire from heaven would prove himself as the true God. It must have been quite a sight to see the 400 prophets of Baal dancing in a frenzy, cutting themselves, calling on their god, tearing down the altar Elijah had set up for his sacrifice.

After several hours and no fire, Elijah finally gets his turn. Calling all the people together to prove he has no tricks up his sleeve, he calls for water to be poured on top of his sacrifice. He prays a simple prayer and God sends fire that burns up even the stones around the altar. He then has the 400 prophets of Baal killed, the people swear allegiance to Jehovah alone and God is glorified in one of most celebrated stories of the Old Testament. However, it’s what happens after this that I would like for us to focus.

Ahab’s wicked wife, Jezebel, sends word to Elijah that she is out to kill him, so the prophet flees for his life to Beersheba, some 90 miles south, where God feeds him. After rest and more food, he then travels another 200 miles or so to Horeb [Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the commandments], all of this in 40 days. He goes into a cave to rest and God asks him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” The prophet replies, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” God then tells him to go stand before the Lord on the mountain. There is a strong wind, but God was not in the wind, an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake, a fire, but God was not in the fire. Finally, there was a gentle whisper, and God repeats his question: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Elijah repeats the same answer.

Wonderful insight can be gained by emphasizing different words of the question: WHAT are you doing here? [implying he was doing what he had been called to do] What are YOU doing here? [Elijah, you are my prophet, my model for the people, I called you, you are mine] or What are you doing HERE? [of all places, what has caused you to fear that you would run and hide?]. Among other things, Elijah was experiencing burnout. He lacked rest, he was physically and emotionally exhausted, and felt like he was all alone with no one even caring whether he lived or died.

I would encourage more time mediating on the passage and questions, but for now, just look as some observations:

-Elijah had just experienced a major spiritual victory in his life. Sometimes, such victories make us forget how susceptible we are to other problems and we tend to think of ourselves as “super Christians,” above the normal fray of trial and temptation. Such thinking makes us forget how dependent on God we really are.

-Elijah was exhausted and hungry. Lack of sleep, irregular eating habits can cause severe problems.

-Elijah was unable to see the larger picture of what God was doing. He only focused on his situation and what was immediately around himself. His viewpoint is only negative, he cannot break free of his thinking everything is bad.

What was God’s solution:

- Food and rest: twice God provides food and rest before he sets out on this journey.

-God gets him away from the situation

-God shows his power and flexibility: He doesn’t always have to respond in the same way

-God makes the prophet look at his situation differently by asking him questions

-God shows him the larger picture, that there were over 7000 that had never bowed to worship Baal, that he was the not only one left.

So what does all this have to do with Worship Leadership? It’s obvious, isn’t it? You may have had one of the most memorable worship services or programs of your life, yet afterward you feel completely worthless. Perhaps you feel like you just want to give up, that nobody cares, no one even knows how much you do, and that everything just seems to be failing all around you? You may be in burnout. What can you do?

Ministry schedules are brutal at times, since rehearsals depend on the availability of volunteers and their schedules. Planning, organizing, dealing with poor budgets, inadequate equipment, or people that don’t get along with each other, all take their toll on emotional energy, sapping the strength needed to complete tasks. Many times, leaders themselves are bi-vocational and are holding down a full time job, providing for their family, besides investing countless hours in worship ministry. They stay up late, have to get up early, and getting the proper amount of rest is the last consideration on their agenda. What can you do?

we cannot be all that God has called us to be if we fail to be good stewards of our physical bodies. Proper rest, adequate diet, exercise are not just something for the few, but the basics for everyone, especially those in leadership. Show me a person failing in these areas, and I’ll show you a person who is also failing in leadership areas as well.

Second, plan some time to “get away” from the situation on a regular basis. This doesn’t have to be a major vacation, but at least some time when you have some time to refocus, mediate in God’s Word and pray, away from the daily demands of your position. This certainly can be done with the entire family, and better than leaving the spouse to take care of the kids alone.

go back and review your call to ministry, how God has brought you to this point. Spend some time listing the things your are grateful for that God has done. Seriously, write them out. Take the time, then read them out loud. Ask your spouse and kids to add to the list. What a great family project this could be!

Fourthly, ask God to help you see the bigger picture. What is God doing around the world? Where is He moving in power, even in difficult situations? Remember that He is in control and He will have the final word and judgement. We can trust Him, even when things are seemingly hopeless to us.

get up and be obedient to what God has called you to do. Literally, get up and go do something He has commanded: helping someone in need, visiting someone in the hospital or at home, the elderly. Do not just “stay” where you are. Again, many times these are things you can do as a family. One more thing: Plan the next "get away" before you finish.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Truth, Bonhoeffer, and Worship Leaders

I recently finished reading Eric Metaxas’s, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet,Spy, the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Many are familiar with the Lutheran pastor’s famous book, The Cost of Discipleship and his teaching that although God’s grace is free, it is not cheap. The biography, however, is just that, a biography and not a simple retelling of his written works. Over and over throughout his shortened life [he was executed by the Nazis just days before Allied forces reached the prison camp where he was being held], Bonhoeffer’s life revealed the importance of not just knowing about God’s Word, but living it out. Truth was to be lived out, not just debated. The book was a great read, but it was more than that, it was convicting.

As I read about his uncompromising life, I was reminded how many times as leaders of worship we are tempted to compromise. The temptation to compromise on personal preparation for worship and planning, to explain our laziness with “half-truths,” to avoid confrontation of our weaknesses, pride, and personal failures only leads to deeper problems. I am also aware that these issues are not restricted to worship leaders, but anyone in the ministry.

I don’t think that compromising is blatant at first: life, family, ministry, other responsibilities overwhelm us and things begin to fall through the cracks. Our natural tendency is to excuse ourselves from these little failures and move on. However, if we never stop and take an honest inventory of our lives, attitudes, or responses, we may be setting ourselves up for more failure and eventually are “forced” into a compromising situation. We need to stop and ask the hard questions: Have we taken on more than we really should have? Are we responding emotionally because what is irritating us about someone is really a response to a similar weakness in our own lives? Have we failed to understand the boundaries God has placed in our lives? Are we unwilling to share the responsibilities or receive advise as to what to do? Are we too prideful to admit that we need help? Obviously, the list could go on and on.

I know for many there is a temptation to define our worth by what we do, rather than by what God has done for us. An attack on our performance becomes an attack on our very character. We become defensive. We begin to rationalize our actions with “half-truths.” But wait just a moment. Stop. The truth can never be a “half-truth;” half-truths are simply lies sweetened with the appearance of “right” to complete the deception. There is price to pay for truth, but the greater price is paid by those that settle for less.

God’s grace is unfathomable. His forgiveness is beyond understanding. He is there even in those times when we have really blown it. God has taken the initiative with His love and grace; we must respond with confessing the truth of our actions and attitudes. Satan will give a hundred reasons for not doing it, and the end result will be the same: eventually the “real” truth becomes evident and the price to pay is greater now than ever before. One compromise only leads to another. We must stop and confess, that is, “come in agreement with how God sees the issues” and commit ourselves to living in integrity. Only as we commit ourselves to refuse to compromise the truth in living out God’s Word will we leave a testimony and heritage that glorifies the Lord.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

10 Things I Want the Students to Learn This Semester

1. The central focus of worship is God, not themselves or their feelings about it. The question is not, “What did I get out of worship today?” but “Am I prepared to meet and worship Almighty God and offer Him praise, honor, and obedient service?”

2. Worship is our obedient response to God’s revealed nature and character. Worship is not the music. Worship is not a feeling, though feelings may be a by-product. Worship that does not result in obedient response is unfulfilled worship. It’s like telling your spouse that you love him or her, but never show any do anything that relates that love.

3. One’s physical presence in a worship service does not guarantee worship.
Our physical presence is necessary, but we must be actively engaged, mentally focused on the purpose of our being in worship.

4. We are personally responsible for our preparation for worship. Distractions will arise, but in the end, whether we worship God or not is a choice we will make. We will not worship God by accident; it is an act of submission of the will.

5. Corporate worship is not a group of individuals having simultaneous quiet times. God has called the His Bride and Body “the Church.” Yes, it consists of individuals, but we must function as the body functions, co-dependent on each other and above all, dependent on the Head, who is Christ. The Church at worship is the Body of Christ united for the purpose of public submission to His absolute authority over life. The Body unites in worship and departs into all the world to make disciples.

6. Praying “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” also means we desire to worship here on earth was we will in heaven.
Our model for worship comes from Heaven: people from every tribe and nation, from all generations in worship around the central focus of the Lamb on His throne. Heaven is not about my finally getting every thing I want, but finally having all my wants focused on everything God desires.

7. God’s Word is the ultimate authority from which we make decisions: more than history, tradition, human intellect or personal experience.
In every decision we make, we must ask ourselves on what basis did I make this decision and realize that what God’s Word teaches is the final authority.

8. Leaders in worship cannot lead people where they have not been.
Having the title of “Worship Leader or Worship Pastor, doesn’t make you one any more than bringing a bicycle into a garage makes it a car. Those that lead, must be obedient practitioners of worship, models of what biblical worship is.

9. Thanksgiving and gratitude are essential components in worship.
If we are not careful, we will begin to think that we deserve God’s blessing, that we forget the immense amount of little things that He provides, not to even mention Christ’s sacrifice and the gift of an eternal relationship with Him. An attitude of entitlement is a polar opposite of what worship is all about. Gratitude is specific and continuous.

10. Unconfessed sin blocks one’s ability to worship.
This side of heaven, we will not be sinless. Our position in Christ is forgiven, but while we live and breathe here on earth we will have the capacity to yield to the temptations of our old nature. Our eternal destiny is secure, but we can break the fellowship with God by deliberately doing, or not doing what He commands. Just as we would not want a surgeon to do surgery with tainted instruments, God will not choose to accept our “tainted” worship, until seek His forgiveness, confess and repent.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Ichabod: When the Glory Departs from Worship

Perhaps you have been present during a worship service where all the trappings of worship was there: the music, message, people, etc., but there was no sense of the Spirit of God. I’m speaking more than just “feelings,” but a total lack of spiritual awareness. Chapters 2-4 of I Samuel relate the tragic story of the High Priest Eli and his sons at the beginning of the prophet Samuel’s life and ministry, and is good description of leadership in which the Spirit of God has left. The word, “Ichabod,” meaning “no glory, or “the glory has departed,” actually comes from this account.

In order to set the stage for the prophet’s ministry, the author of the book of Samuel tells of his birth, but also gives us insight into the life of the High Priest at the time. Samuel’s birth is the result of his mother’s prayer and faith, as she promised to dedicate the child totally to the Lord, if only He would grant her the ability to bear children. Eli, the High Priest, noticing her moving her lips, but rebukes her, thinking that she is drunk. After she explains herself, Eli blesses her, asking that God would grant her request. She does become pregnant, gives birth to Samuel, and after weaning the child, brings him to Eli to leave with him in fulfilment of her vow.

Contrasting with the excitement of the birth of Samuel is the tragedy of the house of Eli. As High Priest, he was permitted to eat from the sacrifices of the people, but had allowed his self- indulgence to control his life. An unnamed man of God confronts Eli for this practice:

Now a man of God came to Eli and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Did I not clearly reveal myself to your ancestor’s family when they were in Egypt under Pharaoh? I chose your ancestor out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to burn incense, and to wear an ephod in my presence. I also gave your ancestor’s family all the food offerings presented by the Israelites. Why do you scorn my sacrifice and offering that I prescribed for my dwelling? Why do you honor your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?’ “Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, declares: ‘I promised that members of your family would minister before me forever.’ But now the LORD declares: ‘Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained (1 Samuel 2:27-30 NIV, italics added for emphasis).

God had chosen Aaron’s family to serve as High Priests, but with that great privilege came great responsibility. The “perks” from Eli’s position became more important than following God’s commands. Notice that Eli’s lack of self control of his eating became an even greater sin in the lives of his sons, which Eli did nothing to restrict. To condemn them meant that he would have had to condemn himself.

The lack of self control in the father’s appetite became a gateway for his sons’ self gratification in eating and sexual sin. Scripture records that Hophni and Phineas, Eli’s sons, (1) did not recognize the Lord’s authority (1 Samuel 2:12), (2) used their position to get their own way, – even to the point of directly violating God’s law of burning the fat to the Lord, treating the Lord’s offering with contempt (1 Samuel 2:15-16), and even used their position to take advantage sexually of the women serving at the entrance of the tent of meeting (1 Samuel 2:22). When these last allegations were brought to Eli’s attention, he reprimanded them, but they would not listen to their father. Eli’s disregard for God’s laws bore fruit in his sons disregarding authority as well. The chapter ends with God’s condemnation and rejection of Eli’s family continuing as God’s priests and the promise that God would raise up a dynasty of one who would follow Him faithfully.

Chapter 3 relates the story of God speaking to the young boy Samuel, and that the “Word of the Lord was rare” in those days (1 Samuel 3:1). One of the reasons it was rare was because the one in leadership was disobedient to what God had called him to do, and God does not reveal himself to those who will not follow what He has already commanded. God’s word to the young Samuel was a confirmation of the condemnation of Eli’s actions. Samuel continued to grow in the Lord and the sons of Eli continued their disregard for God and His law.

The capture of the Ark is the central focus of Chapter 4. Hophni and Phineas take the Ark of God in the battle, again trying to “use” God for their own purposes. They had no reverence or regard for God and had confused the symbol of God’s presence (the Ark) for the presence of God, thinking they could manipulate the battle with their “magical box of God.” But God will not be manipulated and allows the Ark to be captured and both Hopni and Phineas are killed. When Eli hears of it, he falls over, breaking his own neck (1 Samuel 4:4-18). The wife of Phineas was pregnant and upon the tragic events of the death of her husband, brother in law, and father in law she goes into labor, naming the child, “Ichabod, saying, ‘The glory has departed from Israel’” (1 Samuel 4:21). The capture of the Ark of God was one of the most tragic events in Israel’s history.

A similar event occurs in the book of Ezekiel as the glory of God leaves the Temple because of the Israel’s sin and the sin of Israel’s spiritual leaders (Ezekiel 10:4, 10:18, and 11:23). A detailed study would be welcome, but to summarize the prophet’s vision of the glory of God departs in stages due to the false worship practices of God’s people.

Summary and Conclusion
Can the glory of God depart from our worship, from a ministry in which we are involved? Yes, as leaders of worship we can yield to the same temptations that lead to an abuse of privilege and disregard of worship. What are the warning signs? For what things must we be on guard? The glory of God departs:
– when leadership disregards God’s authority, His Word, and His commands.
– when leadership uses its position to fulfill its own selfish desires, regardless of who it may affect.
– when leadership attempts to manipulate rather than lead.
– when leadership abandons God’s directives in worship to follow their own designs.
May God grant us the sensitivity to His Spirit to see the warning signs and avoid tragedy in our ministries.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Are We Treating the Symptoms or Treating the Cause?

In an age and culture that has allowed, even encouraged easy access to self-medication we are inclined to take aspirin for every headache. While this definitely has its advantages and certainly can save some extra trips to the doctor, there exists the potential danger to mask warning signs to more serious problems. Repeated or continuous headaches could have serious causes and in such cases the over the counter solutions may only hide the deeper issues.

In a similar way we tend to seek the quick fix solutions to difficult issues in worship by treating the symptoms, rather than to search out the root cause of the problems encountered. For example, let’s say that the congregation doesn’t seem to participate in singing during the music part of the worship service. This is a serious problem and can have a myriad of related causes and solutions. Some choose a quick fix approach that only appeals to the likes and dislikes of the congregation. The rational for such a decision is based on the idea that if you sing what people like they will sing; if you sing what they don’t like they won’t. The quick fix approach is widely practiced and yields some measure of success, if you measure success just in terms of the number of people singing during the service.

However, if we dig a little deeper there may be a host of other causes and certainly a wide variety of solutions. Lack of familiarity may be a cause, but there may be some more serious issues involved, such as a lack of preparedness on behalf of the congregation to be able to worship, or unconfessed sin in the lives of believers. Many times the attitude that members approach worship is void of anticipation that they are meeting with Almighty God. In addition, the quick fix solution solely based on the likes and dislikes of the congregation actually does more injury to worship by reinforcing the idea that the worship service is built around personal preferences, rather than an obedient response to God’s nature and character.

What should be our response be to the hypothetical problem presented in the example? I’m sure there are many more things that could be done and you are certainly welcome to add to these, but the following may hopefully serve as a beginning.

1. Leadership must become aware of the problem, in this case the lack of congregational participation in the music part of the worship service. [I am intentionally not wording the problem in the following way, “not singing during the worship,” because worship is much more than just singing.]

2. Leadership must take the initiative in self evaluation to see if there are things in their own lives that may be hindering worship. Leaders cannot take people where they themselves have not been. The focus here is to the be “lead worshipers” more than “worship leaders.” Correcting these issues must come before dealing with any issues in the congregation.

3. Leadership must evaluate to see if they have been adequately teaching what biblical worship is and what it isn’t. A biblical understanding of worship is both caught and taught. Leaders must be intentional in laying the foundations and implications that worship is the obedient response to the revealed nature and character of God, not some feelings and inspiration received from singing old or new favorites. Worship is first and foremost God-centered, period. Anything less than this is idolatry.

4. Congregations must be instructed, rooted and grounded in what biblical worship is, not just exposed to the content of what worship is. Learning takes time and repetition. A single sermon, however good cannot replace the repeated exposure and specific application exercises that must occur if real worship is to take place on a regular basis. I recently learned of a pastor that invested 6 months preaching on worship, which resulted in a greater understanding by the congregation. Information must be shared with specific examples that help flesh out what is being taught and followed with personal “homework” to apply what has been taught.

For example, in teaching about the importance of thanksgiving in worship, the individual members of the congregation not only need to know “what” it is, but have the opportunity to practice what expressing gratitude to God is and a followup assignment to practice it all during the week. Many people know that it is important, where they have problems is knowing how to do it and practicing it on a regular basis. Only when what is taught becomes regular practice can it be said that it has been “learned.”

5. The process of teaching must be multi-generational and ongoing
. Classes for new believers must include classes on biblical worship. Age appropriate materials about worship, more specifically that would go along with a series on worship from the pulpit, should be made available to children, youth, and adults.

6. There must be continual evaluation of the effectiveness of the methods used to teach worship as well as evaluation of the actual practice of worship in the congregation. Unfortunately, evaluation of what we do in worship is a neglected area in most churches and results in a negative impact on the congregation. Our failure to teach them about worship also fails in providing biblical understanding for adequate evaluation.

Perhaps by following some simple procedures we can avoid treating symptoms and start working on true cures!