Oh God, forgive us.
We confess that we have sinned. You have shown us what to do and we have rejected and neglected Your commandments. As Your Word said, “he who knows to do good and does not do it, sins.” [James 4:17]
Oh God, forgive us.
We have embraced a desire for greatness contrary to Your nature and character.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have lauded and bowed down to riches and power that mocks Your character and ways.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have bowed to fear and forgotten that You alone are King of kings and Lord of lords.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have forgotten that the reason You have blessed us was to be the channel of those blessings to others in need.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have placed our trust in hoarding and placing our value in our accumulations and positions.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have embraced a “religion” of convenience and entertainment and neglected Your mandate to make disciples that reflect Your nature and character, not by our power, but by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have embraced hate and forsaken love and compassion.
Oh God, forgive us.
We have praised lies and rejected truth.
Oh God, forgive us.
And now, Holy Father, we are seeing the fruit of our sinful choices. Father, we cry out to You and plead for forgiveness.
We pray with Habakkuk: “Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.” [3:2]
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